A Pile of Books
In 1990 I was a civil servant. I was working at the National Galleries of Scotland and had a job title worthy of Yes, Minister: I was the Keeper of Information, although it was my job to give it away. Then, after seeing what PageMaker – the original ‘desktop publishing’ program – could do, I bought myself an early Apple Mac and set up shop in Cumberland Street in Edinburgh. There was a large sign in the window saying ‘typographer’. It was a statement of intent rather than fact.
That was the starting point that led me into producing publicity material and, soon, publications for museums, galleries, art dealers and, more recently, publishers. One job in that interconnected world has, happily, led to another. Here is a virtual pile of books, one for each year, chosen to show some of the key clients I have worked with over that period. Click on the cover and you can see some page spreads and read something about the publication.
Robert Dalrymple